Por: katchuca, March 22, 2025 at 07:57PM
Live diária de Jogos NFT, aprendemos juntos, todos somos especiais! 🙏 Conteúdo, Guias e Notícias sobre GameFi WEB3 🎬 Embaixador e criador de conteúdo, MARBLEX, XPLA, BORACHAIN, Yeeha Games, Cubic SUI, TATAMI SEI, Xterio, Wemix, Intella X, Delabs, Moonlit, Elixir, Salad Venture, GAME DOSI, Finschia, DOSI World, HAVAH, GuildFi, BlockGames, Gate. io, Huobi (sou streamer e embaixador), Game Verse, UBISOFT, KAIA, CAPCOM (MEGA MAN X DiVE NFT), GAM3Sgg (Learn to Earn), SuperVillain Labs (antigo METAPIXEL), RONIN, NTroi (Crime & Chase), OVERTAKE e o mais recente iUPPITER. E muitos outros jogos web3 independentes: Chainers, The Sprawl, Blocklords, SHRAPNEL, SERAPH, Providence, Shatterpoint, Brilliant Crypto (parceiro do PSG), Frutti Dino, Legends of Elysium, METALCORE, Wild Forest, Shardbound, Valannia, 3KDS e muito mais. 🔔Streamer para Twitch, Youtube, Kick, X, Gate.io e Huobi. 🎙 Narrador e comentarista de campeonatos eSports 👨👩👧👦 Fundador @dynastydao_br Meu produto é a Credibilidade 🫡 #CreatingaBetterWEB3 #GameNFT #NovoJogoNFT sss: kaTcHuca#5823 ________________________________________________________________ 🔶 REDES SOCIAIS: 🏺 Comunidade Dynasty DAO: https://discord.gg/dynasty-dao-509044224956825613 https://t.me/dynastydao https://x.com/dynastydao_br https://www.tiktok.com/@dynastydao MediaKit https://beacons.ai/dynastydao/mediakit 😎 Meu Pessoal: https://www.instagram.com/_katchuca https://x.com/evandromoisinho ________________________________________________________________ 🌍 Este é meu novo mundo: 👉 web3, gameplay, gamefi, nft, defi, metaverso, metamask, blockchain, jogos, p2e, p2o, giveaway, airdrop, token, crypto. 💡Sou ambassaodr e criador de conteudo para: 👉 xpla games, xplanet, xpla, marblex, marblership, salad ventures, Studio 369, game dosi, dosi citizen, near protocol, ambrus studio, sui, wemix, cubic, moonlit, yeeha games, xterio, metapixel, gala games, maxion, sui, intella x, xPlayz, ZenaAD, guildfi, block games, square enix, oasyx, sega, ubisoft, metaworld my city, minigame party, summoners war chronicles, eventlabs, shatterpoint, ragnarok landverse, blocklords, legendoftitans, xsoul, METALCORE, Frutti Dino, legends of elysium, polygon, avalon, binance, bsc, kaikas, avax, solana, etherium, klaytn, aptos 🆘 Ajude nosso canal e nas fraldas do Miguel: Metamask: 0xE0035f4a03A0E85102a4ad05C0e751e55A7BAca1 MARBLEX: 0x9d788e243494f67daf04202c003e2dbf4dad8327 WEMIX: 0xbec7b3e1922cedd780cd62591bd16266cc0e70b2 XPLA: xpla1xes29v0u89x9ja7vakddvkvxwrnm54zgvty0s3 PIX: evandro.moisinho@yahoo.com.br (banco Inter) Picpay: @katchuca 👇 Seja membro deste canal e ganhe benefícios: https://www.youtube.com/c/katchuca/join 🤝 Parcerias e Consultorias de NFT: Discord: katchuca Email: evandro.moisinho@yahoo.com.br #novojogonft #novonft #nft #jogonft #jogosnft #freetoplay #nftfree #gamenft #nftfree #novonftfree #newgamenft #newnft #playtoearn #jogonftgrátis #newnftgame #novonftgratis #newgamenftfree #nuevonft #nuevojuegonft #nuevojuegoandroid #nuevojuegonftgratis #nftpagando #nft #nftgratis #nftgrátis #nftgratuito #newgamenft #newnft
Labels: Ambassador, Blockchain, GameFi, kaTcHuca, NFT, P2E, P2O, WEB3, Youtube